Swipe Out Hunger
swipe out hunger
Swipe Out Hunger is a program designed to provide support to Brandeis students who are experiencing food insecurity and educate our campus community about food insecurity.
This program was designed using best practices provided by Swipe Out Hunger, a national non-profit that supports colleges in developing programs to meet the needs of food-insecure students. To find out more about the organization, please visit swipehunger.org.
Request Meal Swipes by Clicking the Link Below
Any Brandeis student experiencing food insecurity is eligible to apply for this program.
Students can request meal swipes by completing the application linked at the top of the page.
Students can request meal swipes as often as they need. Meal swipes do not carry over between semesters.
Meal swipes can be used at Usdan Kitchen, The Farm Table at Sherman, and The Kosher Table at Sherman. When used, the meal swipes will display as regular meal swipes at the cash register.
Brandeis students are able to donate guest meal swipes via the “GET” app Swipe Out Hunger Meal Swipe Donation Drives throughout each semester. Donated swipes will be distributed to students who apply for meal donations.
Students can donate up to 5 guest meal swipes per semester.